Disclaimer of Liability
The scope of our practice here at Eden HR, LLC DBA Eden Health Restored does not include the medical treatment of or diagnosis of specific illnesses or disorders. If you suspect you may have an illness that may require medical attention, please consult with your licensed primary care provider. We do not wish to replace your primary care physician and encourage you to visit a healthcare provider if you have serious health concerns. Rather than dealing with the treatment of diseases through western medicine (prescription medication), Eden HR, LLC DBA Eden Health Restored focuses on providing wellness and aiding with the prevention and reversal of chronic disease and illness using Lifestyle Medicine. We teach how to achieve optimal health through smart nutritional decisions and strategies. Because each person is unique, Eden HR, LLC DBA Eden Health Restored does not claim or guarantee results of chronic disease prevention, management, or reversal. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at info@edenhealthrestored.com.