
Private Member

$375 ($125 per month)

3 month membership (renews every 3 months)

Includes: 9 televisits in 12 weeks, 1-hour initial televisit, 45 minutes televisit once monthly (2nd & 3rd month), video/phone 30 minutes up to 6, unlimited text and email with 48-hour response time. Access to Facebook group.

Eden Member
Every 3 months

Group Member

$180 ($60 per month)

3 month membership (renews every 3 months)

Includes: interactive group sessions with 10-15 participants. 6 televisits in 12 weeks, 2-hour initial televisit visit, 1-hour televisit once monthly in group setting (2nd & 3rd month), video/phone 30 minutes up to 3, unlimited text and email with 48-72 hour response time. Access to exclusive Facebook group.

Eden Group Member
Every 3 months

Get 25% OFF your first 3 months with code BACK2EDEN (Eden Member) or GROUP2EDEN (Eden Group Member)


Packages (Non-Members)

3 telehealth visits in 90 days: $125

6 telehealth visits in 90 days: $200

9 telehealth visits in 90 days: $275

12 telehealth visits in 90 days: $350

One-Time Consults

One-Time Consults (Non-Members)

30 minutes: $50

60 minutes: $75

90 minutes: $100

*Televisits for packages are 30 minutes each. Non-member visits can be either phone or video and do not include direct care contact (email, phone, text) or access to the exclusive Facebook group.

Schedule your Free Consultation, today.